Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Game Review: Kid Icarus Uprising

This game has great graphics but is lacking a longer story line. But before I go into the bad, lets just start by saying the graphics are THE BOMB!!! This game is really pushing the limits of the 3DS. Last time we say a Kid Icarus game was way back when the Game Boy first came out. it adds a whole new feel to the old original Kid Icarus game. there are two types of battles. Air battles and land battles. In air battles you are super overpowered and can kill enemies that you normally can't kill in land battles. also you can unleash a array of arrows down on monsters with touch of the stylus. In land battles you have weaker attacks but to make up for that you can ride powerful vehicles and use special powers. The story line is good but a little too short. If they just added 3-7 more chapters i would be more content.

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