Sunday, December 8, 2013

Game Review: Pokemon Black and White

I think this is a great game but is a little too short. The gym leaders have great designs and most of the new Pokemon too. There are about 130 new Pokemon in the game and the starters are really cute! Also it has a good plot twist. But there are some things that annoyed me. First of all the game is SUPER easy and short. There are a lot of Pokemon games that are better like Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Soul Silver. DO NOT insult me because I like the super old Gen 4 games. I just like the classics because I think they have a better story line. Another problem I have with the games is Amoonguss. He is SUPER ugly and disgusting. Just ask Munchingorange. Finally the graphics have no change from the graphics in Gen 4. STILL Pixels. A lot of people complained so the next game, Pokemon X and Y had very good graphics. But sadly it had so good graphics that the Pokemon series had to be ported over to the 3DS. That made me have to upgrade my system. : (

1 comment:

  1. I thought X and Y had good graphics, lol. Those graphics are crap. Gen 5 still is the best Pokemon gen and Pokemon didn't really even look good until Gen 7 but only on an emulator where you can use mods to remove the 3DS lines to make the graphics much more clean. Also, there are 156 Pokemon added in Gen 5, not 130, and most of the designs were not good and just copied from Gen 1. (Since BW1 doesn't have any Pokemon from previous gens) Also Pokemon Diamond sucks because it's far too slow, and is extremely unbalanced and is difficult to an unfair degree.
