Terraria is fun, but VERY creepy! Most people have heard of minecraft, a best selling sandbox game. Many companies have tried to copy minecraft. One of the copied games is called Terraria. It is basically a 2D version of minecraft. Some good things about Terraria is that Terraria has WAY more bosses then minecraft like the eye of Cuthulu and the Eater of Worlds. In minecraft there is only the Ender Dragon and the Wither. There is also more weapons, Ores, and armor, there is also more biomes in Terraria. So why did I rate it a 5/10 if it is better then minecraft? One word, Creepy. First of all, when you kill an enemy in Terraria its guts and blood splatter across the screen. Also some enemies are SUPER creepy like the Eaters. Also, the music is really creepy in some biomes like the Corruption. Plus bosses like the Wall of Flesh and Ocrum are the most disgusting things you ever saw. I can barely survive playing that game with me screaming every 2 minutes. So if you you get scarred easily DON'T GET IT!!!
Wow, I was such a scary cat at age 10 lol.