Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Many Different Types of Dragons

There of course, are many different types of Dragons of all shapes and sizes. In this post I will list some of them for you.

European Dragons

These dragons LOVE treasure, especially big shiny diamonds. There main source of food is cow and other livestock. Humans hunted these kinds of dragons mainly to protect there food. Also foolish people hunted them because so they could get their treasure. But the truth is, that dragons only collect treasure to protect their soft underbellies. The habit was most likely caused by dinosaurs attacking in their underbellies and killing many of them. So dragons, to protect themselves made rocks protect their underbellies. To please them and befriend them you might want to give them diamonds or cows to eat. Another way to befriend this epic beast is to solve one of his or her riddles. 
Smoug the Powerful: a great dragon who sadly was killed by the foolish Bard in the Hobbit.

Sea Wings

A Sea Wing dragon is an aquatic dragon that has gills. They have sharp claws but CANNOT breathe fire. Instead they use their swimming skills to drown opponent dragons into the water. They use claws to scratch and teeth to bite like all dragons. Tsunami, one of the legendary dragonets that stopped Morrowseer and the Night Wings is a sea wing princess. But lets not get into that now...

A Sea Wing Rising out of the Waves

Rain Wing

The Rain Wing is a type of European Dragon that can blend into its surroundings and shoot venom. Morrowseer tries to hide how powerful Rain Wings are by making it look like Rain Wings are worthless. 

    Sky Wing

the Sky Wing is basically the dragon you all know. Fire breathing, flying to its hearts content, epic stuff. It is known in H.T.T.Y.D. (How to Train your Dragon) as a Monstrous Nightmare. 


Night Wing

The Night Wings are extremely stealthy and fly like the wind. But if you can somehow locate it, it isn't very strong. They also can foretell the future and read minds. Some can even lift things of the ground with their mind! Again, like most dragons they breath fire

Night Fury

This Dragon is basically a rare breed of the Night Wing. There are still some differences between the Night Wings and a Night Fury is that a Night Wing shoos fire and a Night Fury shoots plasma. Another Difference is the wings. A Night Wing's wing is silver when the Night Fury's wing is black. Also the Night Fury has a curse that makes humans able to tame and train dragons. Total TYRANNY!!! Even though it is very rare,a Night Fury can still be born. An example of this is toothless
Toothless: the poor dragon treated like a pet.

Lighting Wing

A newly discovered dragon. It absorbs lighting from the sky and shoots it out of its mouth. Extremely powerful and is basically has the best chance against a Night Wing.
A strong and epic Lighting Wing


1 comment:

  1. Multiple problems with this post, past me. First, night wings are not able to read minds or tell the future as said as this is revealed in book 4, which wasn't out at the time of the publication. Secondly, Wings of Fire is non-canon to dragon lore since it directly contradicts acual real recorded dragon lore gained from multiple sources such as Fire Emblem, Dungeons and Dragons, mythology, and many other sources. BTW How to Train your Dragon is also non canon, HTTYD2 basicly confirmed that toothless is considered an equal to humans as they work in harmony. Along with that, Smoug is 100% evil as he destroys barrel town for no reason, slaughters many, and works for literally Satan, along with being a Black Fire Dragon who are mainly known to be naturally more allnied with the forces of evil since they are aligned with Tiamat, the first dragon of chaos instead of Bahamut, the first dragon of order.
