George and the Dragon: A true retelling.
Once there was a evil king. He and his family were the richest in all of France. They lived in lavish wealth when the people outside lived in poverty. A normal family could only have a piece of bread once a week. Many innocent children died of harmful diseases because of the king's greed. But there was a hope. A dragon, the protector of children, Itath, one of the dragons of light. He resided in the valley where the king lived for 4000 years. All the livestock that he fed on were gone. Plus the king and the royal family were extremely mean to harmless children. Itath had only one choice. To take the fight to the king...By eating him. Even though dragons HATE human flesh, he knew he had to do it, or the children would be doomed. Soon he started gulping on the entire royal family. First the butler, then the royal cook, next the guards. But just to keep in mind that Itath tried to convert them to believe that their king was a fool and was letting the normal villagers die. But the royal family stayed loyal to their king. After all of that the king was terrorized that his daughter would be eaten by the dragon. So he called the best knight in all the land, George, to come slay the dragon. But when he came it was too late for the king. The dragon had kidnapped his daughter who was much more kind and loving than the royal lines before her. At first she was scared of the powerful beast standing before her, but then when she realized that the dragon was really kind, just like her, she fell in love with the incredible beast standing before her. Itath then told the princess that the king was a fool and wanted all the children dead. The Princess finally realized how evil her father was and was about to accept the dragon's deal when suddenly, an arrow shot out of the sky right onto Itath's scales. It easily bounced right of Itath as the assassin was George. Itath was enraged. In a matter of seconds George was nothing but ashes thanks to dragon fire. Then Isabel, for that was the princess's name, proclaimed her love to Itath. Then, Riding an Itath's back, Isabel overthrew her evil father. In a matter of years the kingdom was rebuilt and the children and villagers alike were happy and lived in prosperity. On the other hand Itath and Isabel marred and became king and queen. Soon they had a son named Louie the first. He was half dragon and ruled his kingdom just as well as his parents and they lived happily ever after.
Itath Fighting the foolish George |