Wednesday, December 10, 2014

MORE Fake Cards!

Here are some more fake cards! Hope you like them!

Chronicles of Light Part I: The Quest for the Galatic Shards

This is part I! Hope you like it!

       Karos is a 12 year old boy who lives a peaceful life in Blackberry Village, very close to the bulging metropolis, New Genesis City. One day, on his twelfth birthday tons of goblins attack Blackberry Town and are trying to kidnap the “Golden Hero.” Karos flees Blackberry Village and goes into the forbidden forest to hide.
He finds Tyco who decides to help Karos and lead Karos out of the forest. While they are exploring they find the earth shard, the first shard of the legendary Galactic Blade. They learn that Lord Dross was the one behind the attack on Blackberry Village. He wants to obtain the Galactic Blade so he can conquer the world.Then Karos and Tyko go on a quest to find all the shards and to defeat Lord Dross. Then they meet Korra, the last of the water elves, in blueberry creek. Karos and Tyco decide to help her find her treasure deep in the ruins of the Arnis palace. Then they find the water shard.Then they obtain the air shard in the Sky High Temple by battling X. Then they finally get the fire shard at Mt. Burn. But then X steals all of the shards!                                         
They go to Castle Dross where they battle X and then Lord Dross with the Galactic blade. Then X reveals that she was working for the Demon King Osay so Osay could rule the world. Karos, Tyco and Korra battle Osay and win. They think the world is saved but it is not.

Chronicles of Light Part Zero: The Characters

Hey guys! Today I will be starting a new topic! I will be posting a new part of my story every few days! It is called Chronicles of Light! Don't forget to comment! Enjoy!

Karos: Is the main character of the game. He is 12 years old. Has red hair and blue eyes. Always wears a red jacket and jeans. He lives in the small Blackberry Village. Halfway through the game he grows red wings.

Tyko: Is a human boy who was abandoned and left to die as a baby. He is 11 years old. He was raised by a race of intelligent wolves called Bolkans. He was fed magic powder as a baby that made him 10 times as strong as normal humans.  Has brown hair and green eyes. Always wears a green jacket and jeans.
Korra: Is the last of the race of water elves. She lives in the ruins of the underwater city that used to be called Arnis.  She is a tomboy princess. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She wears boy clothes.  
Terra: The dark emperor of infinite evil. Terra was trapped in a dark crystal millions of years ago that was made by Godith, the dragon queen. He seeks to consume the world in eternal darkness.

X: She is the mom of Karos. After she gave birth to Karos she undertook the task to become the first cyborg in the world. When the experiment was over she had changed. Her heart had turned to darkness and she joined the forces of Dark Lord Dross.

Kairos: The sacred dragon of time. Kairos is the father of Karos and Kairos’s blood in Karos’s veins is what gives Karos his powers. Kairos has the ability to alter time itself and is able to travel back in time.

Jet: Jet is the team mechanic and a skilled battler. He uses his multi tool to fix things (and break them too!) His weapons in his multi tool include: A hammer (can fix anything) A laser blaster (has explosive properties) and a blade made out of Ziox Iron (a rare type of mineral that is light and powerful.)

Team Whisper: An evil origination that plans to destroy all the dragons left on Loren. It consists of many members like Cynthia, Vass, Xargon, Icecold, Goldenrod, Michael, and finally the leader of the origination, Amadeus Klimt, an evil android.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Sonic Boom Rise Lyric Game Review


I never owned S.B. Rise of Lyric but I played it at my friend's house and it is total garbage!!! First of all the story line is lame. I've  seen much better story line in both Sonic Adventure and Sonic Heroes. They had epic building-sized final bosses when sonic boom just has a giant snake. Second I must complain that the game is way too easy. The game took me only 6 hours to complete and I only died 4 times. At least it's harder than Kirby's Epic Yarn...

Finally the game just doesn't feel like a sonic game. Most of the time your just fighting minions. Plus your not even running! You just jogging around!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Sonic is supposed to be fast!!! Come on Sega! My theory is that sonic will stop to be a video game character and Sega will collapse. At least Sonic will still be a comic character. Even though the graphics are good this game is totally not worth buying. If you want a sonic boom game, get Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal.